
Do you think anyones a 10?

Posted 1 years ago by


5 votes


Objectively impossible. However there is a morph who is a 10.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
Its AI generated though.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
While I agree that nobodies objectively perfect, I dont think you need to be in order to considered a 10. Just in the top percentage of the population
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
Look up Alita Battle Angel. Imo one of the best looking AIs.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
Still a little uncanny. Not the best looking AI objectively though. Just my subjective preference..
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
Yes. Hexxum is a 9.55 and Drago Is a 9.7
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
If earned sure. I think Angelina is gorgeous in the face but too skinny. Her face is a 10
Replied by Fat123 · 522 · 1 years ago
Agreed. Almost perfect.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
I don’t think nobody’s a 10 but I give 10 or say people are a 10 if their above 9
Replied by Ghosty99 · a· 850 · 1 years ago

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