
Based off my very best pics, would you say I'm one of the most attractive guys on this website? Not trying to sound narcissistic, just curious

Posted 1 years ago by


14 votes


I mean 1rate already claimed me and you were the top 2. So did Amber. I do not agree though. I thing Alexander and that one dude that looked like Jake Gyllenhaal were the best.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
I feel like that Jake Gyllenhaal looking dudes eye area was a bit lacking tho. Hes def really good looking but I wouldnt go so far as best on the whole site.
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
Imo he was the best looking guy to upload here at least based on this one pic. He also socred 2nd highest on Photofeeler
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
I think the issue is if you ask this people will intentionally vote no. Cause apparently it sounds narcissistic even if you claim you're not trying to come off that way. I see no problem with but other people do I guess. Like even if someone like Washay asked this people would still probably vote no
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
First one is good, others are mid tho
Replied by bethany123 · a· 299 · 1 years ago
On this site yeah on any other hard no. Sorry
Replied by Hopefully-ugly · 64 · 1 years ago

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