
Do you think most girls would be jealous of how pretty I am?

Posted 1 years ago by


27 votes


And I thought my ego was huge
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
I don't have a big ego. I'm just asking. I'm probably one of the most humble people I know
Replied by bethany123 · a· 299 · 1 years ago
Sure lol
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
Bethany we all can see how humble you are by taking one look on that post .
Replied by Dayne.mor22 · a· 89 · 1 years ago
Is that in itself something to strive for? Quite a hollow life to lead if you ask me.
Replied by Lexb25 · a· 187 · 1 years ago
Is it something I strive for. No not really. I'm just wondering tho, because Ive had a lot of girls in real life be cold to me for no reason and I'm wondering if its because they're secretly jealous. Ive read from othe pretty girls that this is the case too.
Replied by bethany123 · a· 299 · 1 years ago
I mean you are pretty but average like I have mentioned before. I think there is a possibility they are jealous but there could also be other reasons.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
How can you be pretty but average at the same time? Doesnt really make sense
Replied by bethany123 · a· 299 · 1 years ago
You're cute. But time tends to humbles people. Remember that lol. Is there anything else you offer that makes other women jealous? As for me, I accept how look according to the ratings I've received here: I'm attractive but passable.
Replied by Fat123 · 522 · 1 years ago

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