
If you're insecure about your appearance, than you shouldn't be here.

First off I just wanna say that I highly enjoy using this website and it's given me lots of great feedback. But I just wanna make this quick note as I've seen lots of people complaining about their score and how its too low. If you're appearence is something youre that insecure about than you should get off here asap. Cause it's just gonna do nothing but tear at your self esteem even more. I've witnessed this happening with Darren, whom tragically passed away from suicide and I made a previous post about. He had body dysmorphia and it further deepned his already strong insecurities about himself and his attractivness even tho he was a great looking guy. Thats mainly why Ive stopped rating and commenting, as I figure I might just end up offending somebody, as this seems to be the case a lot of the time on here. So again, not a diss to this website. I just wanted to get this off my chest and hopefully prevent some people from stumbling into getting their feelings hurt on here

Posted 1 years ago by


Yeah you have a good point. That's what I keep telling my sister as she easily gets upset about this kind of stuff and has already has 2 meltdowns because of getting lower ratings than she hoped for. "Omg this guy said I was 5". Throws cup across room
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
Well said.
Replied by Rowanzz9584567 · a· 634 · 1 years ago
I am very insecure about my appearance only because my whole life has revolved around it. I've gone into detail about this before so I'm not gonna do that again. I'll just say this, my looks used to be the only thing I had going for myself(the only thing I felt confident about). I stopped focusing on my looks as much. I now focus on perfecting skills in writing, programming, parkour etc. This goes for anyone, even insecure good looking people. Take something, practice it for quite sometime, untill you are really good at it. This way if one person says your ugly or gives u a low rating...you won't care as much because that's not the only thing you'll have going for yourself.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
This is exactly how I feel. My looks are one of the only remarkable things about me. Since I don't have a ton of other great qualities it's the only thing that gives my life worth and value. Im decently intelligent, but nothing even remotely close to a genius. I'm also pretty funny too, are at least my friends think I am, but my actual social and conversational skills are severely lacking. I was really good at making friends when I was younger, but after high school started, all of that suddenly dissapeared and I only had a few friends and some of the ones I did ended up turning their backs on me. Bascially my looks provided me with something that didn't make me feel like a useless piece of trash floating through the wind and I could actually stand up and say with confidence I was much more attractive than almost all the guys around me. This turned me into an arrogant egomaniac that is still a central part of me today, but in reality it's just a defense mechanism I use to protect myself from feelings of inner shame and worthlessness. I wouldn't say I have body dysmporphia tho. It's quite the opposite. I tend to overestimate my own attractiveness. If I wasn't good looking tho, Idk what I do and it would undoudetly shatter my self esteem.
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
Dude we basically have the same life after reading what you just wrote.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago
Cool maybe we should become friends
Replied by 1rate_people_account · a· 1730 · 1 years ago
For sure man. Do u have snap?
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 1 years ago

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