

Posted 2 years ago by


insanely attractive, super rare
model territory, rare
really attractive, best looking in daily life
attractive, well above average
good looking, above average
average, most people
slightly below average
below average, room for improvement
lots of room for improvement
not a good picture
53 votes
average: 6.1


Where are all the 8s coming from
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
From those that have taste. All natural and HOT
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
I'm not trying to insult you or anything and you're not a bad looking guy. It's just that its fairly uncommon for people on here to recieve mainly 8 votes and the ones that do are usually the very best to post on here
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
He absolutely deserves the 8s
Replied by Alexandrrrr · a· 29 · 2 years ago
Dude wtf man. He's clearly a 5-6 guy. The major flaw here is his receding hairline and his face is not chiseled. Man wtf no offense but bro come on
Replied by Killfreakz · a· 168 · 2 years ago
OK. Fair enough. But so then I'm a little confused.. So are you saying that sometimes ratings can be fake on here ?.I have noticed a little bit of biased voting going on amongst you all. As in if one person votes high for someone, than the person who got rated high will turn around and vote high for that person too;.kind of like a ' I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine ' kinda thing. If thats true that's pretty lame as it defeats the whole purpose of this site. Just out of curiosity, what did you rate me...be honest?
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
Your a 6 imo. Nothing striking, very good jaw but other features are very average.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 2 years ago
Thanks. No really. I appreciate things I can work on - in the sense of what I can do to accentuate myself. So tell me, do people on here rate on the individual picture ? Or ...rate you based on your whole profile of pictures ?
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
Usually the individual picture
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
Get a hair transplant done and loose some body fat and gain some muscle and grow a beard. You can clearly be 7 after that and your smile is great. You kinda look old like in mid 30's
Replied by Killfreakz · a· 168 · 2 years ago
Lol. Kilafreaks ' 65 telling me I need muscle is dumb. Why would you say that ? If you rated on the pic...lol...you made a bad assessment based on what you thought you knew. Three things: 1) learn how to rate...as in if you can't see it, don't rate it. You don't know how to rate 2) Don't pretend you know what you are talking about unless you post a pic of yourself. 3) the moderator said to not post these half - naked body -shots like --this. as to this not being an instagram site. So I'll respect that and take this down. But I couldn't resist. That all said, I like coming in here and gettingn 8's 🙂
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
isn't your hairline kinda bad right now. If you are getting 8 that's good but you are arrogant about it I guess. I just mentioned the points above about you are pretty accurate. I was wrong about gaining muscle but your body fat is pretty high , clearly between 20-25% here I was correct. Your face reflects it
Replied by Killfreakz · a· 168 · 2 years ago
I'm 9%
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
No dude you aren't 9% looks like this
Replied by Killfreakz · a· 168 · 2 years ago
Well, I don't know what to tell you
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
Umm if you have 1) insane Vascularity and veins even on your abs and legs 2) Striations on chest and shoulders 3) a clear 6 pack Now it's upto you if you want to agree or not. I clearly gave you a example Even 10-12 percent is crazy. Single digit is even crazier
Replied by Killfreakz · a· 168 · 2 years ago
Oh man. They took my pic down. But that's OK. I left it up for too long
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
And yes...I'm 47
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
Sorry if I came across cocky. Didn't mean to.
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
It's okay. For your age you are a chad. Don't strive for single digit body fat because of your age it won't be healthy. I am assuming that you are on TRT or other compound. Your physique is damn impressive at 47
Replied by Killfreakz · a· 168 · 2 years ago
47. Is that bad ? Is this site for younger people?
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
You look damn handsome for your age. I am sorry if I made you feel bad but i was just highlighting the flaws you have. You smile is damn great and being 47 and looking like this. You are a chad dad.
Replied by Killfreakz · a· 168 · 2 years ago
Yeah I agree
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
Is it bad to be older. That's OK but I didn't know age was an issue.
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
Lol. This site. I went from having a bunch of eights to a few ones and now looking like this guy. Weird.
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
This site isn't always the most reliable for ratings. If you want a more accurate result than you should try Photofeeler. This is cause it actually takes into account each persons voting style and so someone who consistently votes higher won't raise your overall score as much as someone who usually votes lower. There also isn't as much biased voting since you can't use alternate accounts or have your friends vote to inflate your score, as well as people who use their alternate accounts to vote lower on someone's post.
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
Yes, that's right, there's a lot of issues with the current voting where people are biased or create other accounts to make themselves feel good by voting on their posts somehow or they downvote people they don't like for unrelated reasons. Hopefully this will be fixed this week, we're going to introduce smart averages which take into account voting patterns, etc. We'll announce it when it rolls out.
Replied by FaceShape · 443 · 2 years ago
No. TrueRateMe on Reddit is hands down the most accurate. Photo feeler is basically tender.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 2 years ago
I've been rating on TrueRateMe on reddit for about 5 months now.
Replied by washay6674 · a· 1744 · 2 years ago
Do you mean Tindr? And TrueRateMe's voting system is honestly a load of bs. 5.5 is above average only like 1 in 5,000 people is an 8, what?? Also on TrueRateMe a bunch of people just comment what they think your score is and so there isn't any way to measure your overall score on there
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
If some get 6 or 6.5 on TrueRateMe means that he is an 8. If you get 5.5 on TrueRateMe it means that you are a 6.5 or 7. I found this subreddit about 6 months ago. Always giving low votes doesn't mean that that is more accurate.
Replied by Phantom99 · a· 93 · 2 years ago
Photo feeler is also not a reliable site for measuring attractiveness. They only judge how good the photo is. An average man can get 9 by capturing a good photo.
Replied by Phantom99 · a· 93 · 2 years ago
An average looking person can easily score 9 for smart or trustworthy with a good pic but it will be really hard to achieve that score for attractive if you aren't genuinely good looking. However people that are good looking can easily score low if its a bad pic but that's kinda the point of it is to see which pic is better that the other. But yeah a 9 score for attractiveness will be hard for average looking people even if it is a great pic.
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
This is interesting. I've been on photofeeler and got AMAZING scores. Not 10's but much higher than here. And consistent.
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
But I found another one that is so -so. Has anyone tried photoeval.com. ? That one seems pretty honest.
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago
Yeah not a fan of that one. The results take way longer and also when I first posted my pics the votes were from the EXACT SAME PEOPLE every time. Which leads me to believe they were just bot accounts. And to test this I posted a pic of me making a ridiculous face and I still recieved like 5 star votes
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
And yeah my pics on Photofeeler usually score way higher than on here. My profile pic got a 9.4 for attractiveness while on here the overall score was 8.2
Replied by randyjones123 · a· 655 · 2 years ago
Lol. That's ok
Replied by Dude · a· 376 · 2 years ago

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